
Choose version of My Office State depending on your operating system,
download file and follow installation instructions for your system below:

Linux and other unix like operating systems: My Office State Alpha

Windows: My Office State Alpha

Install on windows

Download file for windows above.
Go to download directory and double click on downloaded installation file called:
MyOfficeState Alpha - Installer.exe
and follow installation instructions.
To start program:
Start menu -> Programs->My Office State -> My Office State

Install on linux

Download file for linux or any other unix like operating system above.
Go to download directory where your downloaded file is, called:
Unpack My Office State file in your home directory or other directory of choise with the following commands:

gunzip MyOfficeState_Alpha.tar.gz
tar -xvf MyOfficeState_Alpha.tar

Open up a terminal go to choosen directory and enter:

python MyOfficeState.pyc

Hit enter and My Office State will start up.

If you have not python and pygtk installed,
please follow instructions below:

Installing pygtk on Ubuntu, and other Debian based systems:
Find packages:
apt-cache search pygtk

apt-get install python-gtk2-dev

You shouldn't have to install this manually at all,

sudo apt-get install python-gtk2 python-gnome2 python-glade2

is all you normally need. And you definitely should not manipulate
sys.path for this. You may also try

sudo apt-get --reinstall install python2.5 python-gtk2 python-gnome2 python-glade2

to fix a previously existing installation.